Why you must have date palm jaggery in winters

Friday, March 6, 2020 , Date Fruits, Dates Tree
Why You Must Have Date Palm Jaggery In Winters

As a substitute for white sugar,  date palm jaggery, is  outstanding. It is made out of concentrated juice acquired from the date palm tree and is loaded with minerals and vitamins. It enhances the taste of many foods and contains neither artificial ingredients nor chemical. From boosting immunity and keeping your body warm to treating […]

The amazing benefits of dates palm seeds

Friday, March 6, 2020 , Date Fruits, Health Benefits of Dates
Dates Palm Seeds

There are lots of amazing benefits of dates palm seeds which are full of  medicinal properties and its specially include in Iranian Mazafati Dates. It helps to prevent kidney and liver against toxicity or damage, useful in diabetes, rich in antioxidants, prevent DNA damage and helps to fight various viral infections. Richinantioxidants and free radical […]