9 Best Dates Juice Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health
The dates juice is made by blending pre-soaked dates in milk or water. Being high in natural sugars, the juice is quite sweet to taste. It is taken as a syrup in little therapeutic quantities or in smoothies and desserts. Different brands in the market offer different kinds of juice. The nutritious fruits are rich in iron as well as other important minerals and vitamins. Apart from popularly consuming dates, taken in juice form is another form of consumption. For kids and adults alike date juice is a natural health tonic.
Let’s know more about this juice :
Laden with the goodness of nature, the juice is full of Calcium, Folate, Iron, Magnesium Folate, Calcium, Phosphorous, Zinc and other important Vitamins like B1, B2, B3 and C. The regular consumption of dates juice can make you avoid the use of artificial vitamin supplements. Apart from aiding in bone health, dates juice is an invigorating for anemic patients.
Dates Juice Nutrition Facts :
Now that you have understood the value of the juice that comes in either with water or milk.
Taking some date juice on a daily basis will ensure glowing skin that you can flaunt with pride. Being a good source of Vitamin C and D, dates juice improves the quality of your skin and increases its elasticity. It helps in reducing signs of gowing old and promotes a natural glow from within.
By growing the levels of platelets in the blood, juice ensure proper nutrition to the skin cells. It is simple and easy to prepare and having this delicious juice daily will make sure that the skin stays soft and supple. The added benefits of dates juice for skin are that it can control the production of melanin in the skin and thereby puts off the effects of Suntan.
The question is how much juice can be consumed per day. No worry, it can be enjoyed almost every day. Sorry to say, the diabetic patients are debarred from this elixir. Also, the pre-Diabetic patients and those with any family history of diabetes are directed to take ½ cup juice everyday day. Healthy individuals can consume about a cup of dates juice with milk or water.